God's Timing
Updated: Jan 4

One of my mottos is "Learn at least one new thing every day." It was the act of doing this that led to an interesting chain of events which I came to see as God-guided.
At my recent annual exam, with a new doctor, I was advised to re-establish with my cardiologist, since I hadn't been seen since 2018. I was thinking I feel fine, I do not need to go. But God's small voice said "Go."
There's often a backlog when it comes to doctor appointments but, surprisingly, there were several open appointments with my cardiologist on Friday, December 13 (Friday the 13th). I am not really that superstitious, but scheduling a heart exam on Friday the 13th was not appealing. However, God's voice said "Go." So I did.
As I sat in the exam room, waiting, I noticed a large poster on the wall, with a large picture of the human heart. The poster was telling of a new procedure for valve replacement. I was immediately fascinated, with my love for learning something new kicking in. I read the entire poster and studied it for several minutes.
Soon after, the medical assistant came in to do an EKG (electrocardiogram). I started chatting about my love of learning. I shared about my background, my career and how I had learned about EKGs as part of my occupation. The medical assistant absorbed the "learn something new" mantra and shared about wanting to advance in medical knowledge and career. It was so much fun!
A couple of days later I was having breakfast with an old friend. She indicated she was having heart issues as well and explained she may need to have a heart valve replacement, in fact the exact one that the poster depicted at my cardiology appointment two days ago! I said "Wow, you are never going to believe this!" I went on to tell her about the new procedure I learned about just two days prior. She was going to take that new knowledge and discuss it with her doctor.
Only God knows if this procedure will be appropriate or will help my friend, but I am glad that I was put in that exact exam room with that poster on the wall, and that I was given the opportunity to learn and share with others.
The mind of man plans his way. But the Lord directs his steps. - Proverbs 16:9 NASB