Our Leadership
staff & leadership
Our Staff
Mark Hjelmervik, Lead Pastor
Pastor Mark has been the lead pastor at Creekside since October, 2017. He has a passion for helping people understand and experience the transforming love and truth of Jesus Christ and live in an abundant fashion where they are recognizing where God is at work around them and how they can join Him (living with a “Kingdom of God” lens). He believes that the church is a place where no perfect people are allowed – where we can come authentically just as we are and then be transformed by God’s grace and grow in new ways together.
Tim Anderson, Associate Pastor of Worship & Youth
Tim Anderson joined the Creekside staff in March 2021. He has a deep, authentic, and contagious passion for Jesus and Scripture…as well as a natural love for and relatability with people of all ages (especially students). In all he does, he seeks to demonstrate and share the faithfulness of God in order to help point people to Jesus. His greatest joy is to see God at work in his life – in his family, in the lives of his students, and in the greater church at large.
Julie Steel, Pastor of Children's Ministry
Pastor Julie is the newest member to join the Creekside staff. She has a long history working in church ministry with people at the very beginning of life and those near the end and everyone in between. She sees the unique way God journeys with us during every stage of life, and she loves to share with people in their joy and comfort them in their sorrows. She is a credentialed Covenant Pastor and enjoys all aspects of church ministry.
Our Leadership Team
The Creekside Leadership Team is a group of congregationally elected church members that serve as the link between the staff and the congregation. It is responsible for building, maintaining and overseeing the spiritual welfare of the local body and for directing and overseeing all ministries and business affairs at Creekside; listening for, interpreting and communicating all vision changes as God directs; holding the Lead Pastor accountable for Creekside’s progress toward vision fulfillment; and overseeing the spiritual welfare of the Creekside Staff.
Dick Mason
Kelsey Peterson
Vice Chair
Raldi Formantes
Stew Konzen
Financial Officer
Richard Wong
Not Pictured
Lynn Fleshman
Beth Soderlund
Sue Peterson
Yesenia Ellis, Custodian
Yesenia Ellis is a wife and a mother of two kids, Nibari and Daniel. Six years ago she started attending Iglesia Creekside and since then she considers Creekside, both the English-speaking and the Spanish-speaking congregations, to be her family. Yesenia came to the United States 21 years ago. She loves spending time with her family and serving the Lord together as a family.