Financial Updates
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You are welcome to send any questions or comments about our church finances either to our whole Leadership Team or directly to Stew Konzen (LT Financial Officer)
March 27, 2024 Financial Update​
Please see results below through March based on our annual balanced budget of $492,660:
FY'23-24 Year-To-Date Results
9/1/23 thru 3/31/24 (7 months)
YTD Actual YTD Budget $ Diff
YTD Income $304,313 $313,577 -$9,264
YTD Expenses $264,520 $285,512 -$20,992
YTD Net Gain $39,793 $28,065 $11,728
In March, income was down $9,240 vs budget and we spent $3,026 more than budgeted, so we were down compared to forecast by -$12,266. These March shortfalls were anticipated to a certain extent:
We had an $8K annual insurance payment that fell in March rather than in February,
We expect that UNITE donations cannibalized normal giving a bit, and
We recognized about $4.5K in projected income year-to-date as a deduction from expenses (so income is down, but expenses are down by the same amount, so no effect on the bottom line and our net gain).
Note our revised budget calls for us to spend down our current net gain to zero by the end of the fiscal year. Fortunately, our actual gain year-to-date is a healthy $39,793, giving us confidence over the next five months that we will finish with a balanced budget. (Remember that our old annual budget was for $432k in income less $458k in expenses for a deficit of -$26k. The current revised annual budget is $492,660, with income and expense balanced at the end of the fiscal year.)
Remember that our original approved budget was for $432k in income less $458k in expenses for a deficit of $26k.
So overall we're keeping the Creekside head above water.
Stew Konzen
Finance Officer