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Adult Ministries

Adult Opportunities for Growth

There are a variety of a opportunities for adults (young and old) to grow and become more like Jesus at Creekside.  We like to think of our pathway for spiritual growth and discipleship like this target image.  You can enter into the pathway at any point, but there is also a natural progression from the outer rim toward the center.  We believe every step and opportunity along the way will help people to grow in their walk with Jesus.  In fact, we're convinced that the healthiest option is to be engaged at all three levels of faith in community, faith in action, and faith in depth.


The best option for someone to grow in their faith and become more like Jesus is to be regularly and actively engaged in one of our small groups.  You can learn more about our small groups and current options here.



We don't have a typical or regular adult "Sunday School" option, but we occasionally offer classes and book club/discussion group experiences.  You can find out if any of these are happening or coming up here.



We are in the process of rebooting our men's ministry.  More info will be updated here and on our calendar when things get planned.



We are in the process of rebooting our women's ministry.  More info will be updated here and on our calendar​ when things get planned.



Sometimes one of the best ways for us to grow in our faith is to do so by putting our faith into action through tangible acts of service.  And this is especially true when we do this together.  You can learn about various opportunities to serve together here.



And sometimes we simply grow in our communal faith by simply being together and having fun.  At Creekside, we try to have regular opportunities for people to connect and have fun together.  These are also great times to invite other friends and family to come have fun with us too.  You can find what's coming up on our calendar.



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We have an outstanding and completely FREE discipleship resource at Creekside called RightNow Media.  Think of it as an online video Bible study (and so much more) resource that is similar to something like the Netflix platform.  To learn more and get access to it, click here.

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