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to Creekside

encounter | become | impact

At Creekside Covenant Church, we are a community where people
ENCOUNTER Jesus, BECOME like Jesus, and IMPACT our world for Jesus

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Here are a few highlights about who Creekside is and what's currently happening.


First Sunday of Each Month

9:15-10:00am - Breakfast

10:00-10:45am - Slightly Shorter Worship Service

Join Us for First Sunday Breakfasts


If you're new to Creekside, this a great place to start in getting to know more about us.

Listen to this Sunday's worship playlist.


Visit our Worship Playlist page to listen to our recent and most frequently used worship music.

Catch up on previous sermons on our YouTube channel.

All are welcome to join us in person or online for Sunday service.



Sundays at 9:30 am

You can also watch our service online through our Church Online platform or on our YouTube channel at 9:30am on Sunday mornings.


Join us ​Sundays in person or online at 9:30am

Creekside Covenant Church  |  2315 173RD AVE NE, Redmond, WA 98052  |  email us  |  tel: 425.376.1111

©2022 by Creekside Covenant Church

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